Boys Night
Falls Lake ward Boys' Primary activities
Presented by Brother Zak Ciotti, the Primary Boys Activity Leader
Please watch the 2025 Special Message Below
Survival Guide Pocket

Mini Survival pack

Given to each boy based on activity - sharp objects may be used or taken home by parents with parental permission only
Developing a group title
The Boy Scouts (now "Youth BSA") gave a title to their boys. They were scouts. it's not unlikely that if and when the Church establishes a universal boys and young men program, it too could have a title. A lot of thought should go into it - but ultimately, it should be the boys who direct it - and not without a little bit of guidance.
This is why I have collected a wide variety of near-scriptural and almost-church-cultural suggestions and would love to hear even more input from the families if we do end up moving forward with the concept.
Zion Builders
Covenant Crew
Stripling Sons
Eternal Explorers
Disciple Brigade
Liahona League
Prepared Pioneers
Covenant Crew
Stripling Sons
Eternal Explorers
Disciple Brigade
Liahona League
Prepared Pioneers
Boyhood Prime
Stripling Warriors
Little Heroes
Covenant Corps
Light Trekkers
Armor Bearers
Faith Founders
Stripling Warriors
Little Heroes
Covenant Corps
Light Trekkers
Armor Bearers
Faith Founders
Developing a group philosophy
A generation ago, and a 100 years before that, the Boy Scouts of America (now "Youth BSA") had been established to prepare boys to become men. They had an oath, a Law and a slogan that directed thoughts and instilled attributes to which a boy could aspire. Today we have an opportunity to develop our own approach in the microcosm of the Falls Lake Ward.
My hope is that we will help these boys recognize their divine heritage and grow to respect, admire and model righteous bravery, and become the heroes we as parents know them to be.
My Inspiration
Benvenuto Cellini said “The ideal man is a philosopher, artist, and warrior.”
"We’ve determined that a man needs to be a philosopher to understand what is important and beautiful in life, and an artist to express that beauty, and share their emotions with others. The warrior, then, is the aspect a man needs to develop to protect what is important and beautiful.
“Therefore, the ideal man not only appreciates and expresses all that is important and beautiful, but he stands ready to defend it. Whether it’s his family and friends, his home, or his ideals, true men stand ready to defend these aspects at any time, both for themselves and others. Real don’t men don’t seek violence, and don’t use their strength to dominate others. Rather, they train those warrior skills, and develop their strength, in order to protect that which is most precious.”
“Therefore, the ideal man not only appreciates and expresses all that is important and beautiful, but he stands ready to defend it. Whether it’s his family and friends, his home, or his ideals, true men stand ready to defend these aspects at any time, both for themselves and others. Real don’t men don’t seek violence, and don’t use their strength to dominate others. Rather, they train those warrior skills, and develop their strength, in order to protect that which is most precious.”
Activity Photos
Every other thursday @ 7:00PM
Every other thursday @ 7:00PM
1524 Jenkins Rd, Wake Forest, NC 27587
1524 Jenkins Rd, Wake Forest, NC 27587