Nuclear Fallout

☢️ Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown ☢️​​​​​​​
As the host county for Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Wake County is identified as a Harris Nuclear Plant risk county.
This means Wake County Emergency Management oversees a robust nuclear preparedness program. Staff maintain emergency plans, conduct trainings and exercises, and coordinate closely with Duke Energy, neighboring risk counties, the State of North Carolina and various federal agencies to ensure public safety. In the unlikely event of an emergency at the Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Wake County Emergency Management will coordinate activities to warn, notify and protect the public.

View Shelter Map Here
Nuke Map

10-mile Emergency Planning Zones

Harris Nuclear Power Plant is located in
New Hill, NC

☢️ Fallout sUrvival ☢️​​​​​​​
Fallout Supples:
☢️  Potassium IodiDe Pills - 130mg Once a day until exposure risk no longer exists
also known as KI, is a nonprescription drug that may prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine. KI is one protective action that might be recommended during a nuclear emergency. KI is available to Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) residents at no cost through county health departments. It should be taken only at the direction of public health officials. KI should be picked up, before an emergency, by all those living or working in the 10-mile EPZ. KI is most effective if taken before exposure.
☢️  Hazmat Suit
☢️  Gas Mask
☢️  PVC-coated Gloves
☢️  Shoe Cover
☢️  Minimal Hazmat Suits
Industrial Garbage Bags (to store contaminated gear)
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