While there have not been any successful acts of terrorism committed in North Carolina in recent years, the state has many critical and high-profile facilities, high concentrations of population and other potentially-attractive venues for terrorist activity that are inherently vulnerable to a variety of terrorist methods.
Governmental, transportation, commercial, infrastructure, cultural, academic, research, military, athletic and other activities and facilities constitute ideal targets for terrorist attacks which may cause catastrophic levels of property and environmental damage, injury and loss of life.
Governmental, transportation, commercial, infrastructure, cultural, academic, research, military, athletic and other activities and facilities constitute ideal targets for terrorist attacks which may cause catastrophic levels of property and environmental damage, injury and loss of life.
Terrorists tend to strike targets that are highly populated (large cities, airports, tourist attractions, major events), business centers (government buildings, financial districts, military bases, transportation, or power plants) and institutions (schools, hospitals).
Terrorist attacks may take the form of other hazards described in this section when incidents of these types are executed for criminal purposes, such as induced dam or levee failures, the use of hazardous materials to injure or kill, or the use of biological weapons to create an epidemic.
Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence, or the threat of it, to scare or intimidate people or governments.
There are four general types of terrorism:
Conventional – such as bombing or hijacking
Chemical – use of poisons or chemicals (nerve gas)
Biological – use of bacteria’s, viruses or other harmful organisms
Radiological – use of nuclear or radiological materials
Conventional – such as bombing or hijacking
Chemical – use of poisons or chemicals (nerve gas)
Biological – use of bacteria’s, viruses or other harmful organisms
Radiological – use of nuclear or radiological materials
➼ Create an emergency communications plan. Choose an out-of-town contact that family members can call after an incident to report on their whereabouts and condition.
➼ Have an emergency preparedness kit ready to take with you if asked to evacuate.
➼ Check on the school emergency plan of any school-aged children you may have.
➼ Be aware of your surroundings (See also "Mindset")
➼ Move or leave if you feel uncomfortable or if something does not seem right.
➼ Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not leave luggage unattended. You should promptly report unusual behavior, suspicious or unattended packages and strange devices to the police or security personnel.
➼ Learn where emergency exits are located in buildings you frequent. Plan how to get out in the event of an emergency.
SAfety Tips
If you are in public, be aware of your surroundings. Know where emergency exits are.
Never leave shopping bags or luggage unattended.
Stay calm. Exit a public place as soon as it is safe to do so. Do not try to rescue people in a public building.
If at home, stay alert and listen to your local radio or television for the latest news and instructions.
check for injuries. Give first aid and help those who are injured.
Check on your neighbors, especially those who are elderly or disabled.
If asked to evacuate, secure your home and take your pets with you.
Notify your family. contact and tell them where you are going and when you expect to arrive.
Use travel routes specified by local authorities.
Bomb Threat or Suspicious Activities
Immediately report any bomb threat, suspicious activity, or suspicious object to your supervisor, and follow emergency instructions and procedures. The supervisor should contact authorities immediately. If Church Security staff members are on-site, they should also be contacted.
If you receive a bomb threat by telephone, get as much of the following information as possible from the caller and from your observations, and write it down.
From the caller, try to get the following information:
‣ When will the bomb go off?
‣ Where is the bomb?
‣ What is the type and size of the bomb?
‣ Why was it placed in the building?
‣ When will the bomb go off?
‣ Where is the bomb?
‣ What is the type and size of the bomb?
‣ Why was it placed in the building?
From your personal observation, add the following information:
‣ What is the caller ID phone number, if available?
‣ What are some characteristics of the caller’s voice?
‣ How old do you think the caller is?
‣ What is the caller ID phone number, if available?
‣ What are some characteristics of the caller’s voice?
‣ How old do you think the caller is?
If you observe a search or are told of a bomb threat, remain calm and wait for instructions.
Do not touch or move suspicious objects.
Do not use radios or cell phones for communicating.
Wait for the police or other security personnel to conduct the search.
Talk to your children about the subject. Avoid stereotyping. Explain that only a few “bad” people are behind terrorist attacks. Let them know that they are safe and that your family is prepared if anything happens. You may never be impacted by a terrorist incident, but it pays to be aware. Let common sense be your guide